Before our PHP SDK for QuickBooks Online v3.0.1 release, creating and updating Invoices could be a painful job for developers. We have written numerous examples for our PHP developers regarding how to create an Invoice, create a Bill, or other API endpoints.
For the new 3.1.0 release of the PHP SDK, we provide façade support for these entities. Currently there are three API endpoints we support:
- Bill
- Sales Receipt
- Invoice
For example, below is a complete example of how to create an Invoice using version 3.1.0:
use QuickBooksOnline\API\Core\ServiceContext;
use QuickBooksOnline\API\DataService\DataService;
use QuickBooksOnline\API\PlatformService\PlatformService;
use QuickBooksOnline\API\Core\Http\Serialization\XmlObjectSerializer;
use QuickBooksOnline\API\Data\IPPCustomer;
use QuickBooksOnline\API\Facades\Invoice;
$dataService = DataService::Configure(array(
'auth_mode' => 'oauth1',
'consumerKey' => "lve2eZN6ZNBrjN0Wp26JVYJbsOOFbF",
'consumerSecret' => "fUhPIeu6jrq1UmNGXSMsIsl0JaHuHzSkFf3tsmrW",
'accessTokenKey' => "qye2etcpyquO3B1t8ydZJI8OTelqJCMiLZlY5LdX7qZunwoo",
'accessTokenSecret' => "2lEUtSEIvXf64CEkMLaGDK5rCwaxE9UvfW1dYrrH",
'QBORealmID' => "193514489870599",
'baseUrl' => ""
$array = [
"Deposit" => 0,
"domain" => "QBO",
"sparse" => false,
"Id" => $IdGenerated,
"SyncToken" => 0,
"MetaData" => [
"CreateTime" => "2015-07-24T10:35:08-07:00",
"LastUpdatedTime" => "2015-07-24T10:35:08-07:00"
"CustomField"=> [ [
"DefinitionId" => "1",
"Name" => "Crew #",
"Type" => "StringType"
"DocNumber" => "1070",
"TxnDate" => "2015-07-24",
"LinkedTxn" => [],
"Line" => [[
"Id" => "1",
"LineNum" => 1,
"Amount" => 150.0,
"DetailType" => "SalesItemLineDetail",
"SalesItemLineDetail" => [
"ItemRef" => [
"value" => "1",
"name" => "Services"
"TaxCodeRef" => [
"value" => "NON"
], [
"Amount" => 150.0,
"DetailType" => "SubTotalLineDetail",
"SubTotalLineDetail" => []
"TxnTaxDetail" => [
"TotalTax" => 0
"CustomerRef" => [
"value" => "1",
"name" => "Amy's Bird Sanctuary"
"CustomerMemo" => [
"value" => "Added customer memo."
"BillAddr" => [
"Id" => "2",
"Line1" => "4581 Finch St.",
"City" => "Bayshore",
"CountrySubDivisionCode" => "CA",
"PostalCode" => "94326",
"Lat" => "INVALID",
"Long"=> "INVALID"
"DueDate" => "2015-08-23",
"TotalAmt" => 150.0,
"ApplyTaxAfterDiscount" => false,
"PrintStatus" => "NeedToPrint",
"EmailStatus" => "NotSet",
"Balance" => 150.0
$myInvoice = Invoice::create($array);
$resultingInvoiceObj = $dataService->Add($myInvoice);
$error = $dataService->getLastError();
if ($error != null) {
echo "The Status code is: " . $error->getHttpStatusCode() . "\n";
echo "The Helper message is: " . $error->getOAuthHelperError() . "\n";
echo "The Response message is: " . $error->getResponseBody() . "\n";
else {
# code...
// Echo some formatted output
echo "Created Invoice Id={$resultingInvoiceObj->Id}. Reconstructed response body:\n\n";
$xmlBody = XmlObjectSerializer::getPostXmlFromArbitraryEntity($resultingInvoiceObj, $urlResource);
echo $xmlBody . "\n";
What do you think? Is this easier to use? Let us know in the comments below!
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