
Part 2: NodeJS Sample Application for Inventory Tracking

In part one, we created a basic Node.js application for inventory tracking that includes routes for Invoice, and Item creation. In this part, we’ve added routes for adding a customer, creating a sales receipt and creating a payment. These can be found in the file routes.js. The routes are as follows:

  1. Adding a customer: ‘/createCustomer’
  2. Creating a sales receipt: ‘/createSalesReceipt’
  3. Creating a payment: ‘/createPayment’

Creating a Customer

To create a customer, we start by rendering a form with some fields. The view for the customer form is /views/createCustomer.ejs. The following route in routes.js renders the form:

//a route which renders the create a customer form
app.get('/createCustomerForm', function (req, res) {

From the form, the end user can trigger the createCustomer route. The createCustomer form provides the following input fields: Line1, City, Country, SountrySubDivisionCode, PostalCode, CustomerName. These are available in the req.query object. Once the response is returned, either an error page populated by the API error message is rendered.

//a route which creates a new customer object
app.get('/createCustomer', function (req, res) {
    //using input from createCustomer form, creating the createCustomer POST body
        "BillAddr": {
            "Line1": req.query.Line1,
            "City": req.query.City,
            "Country": req.query.Country,
            "CountrySubDivisionCode": req.query.CountrySubDivisionCode,
            "PostalCode": req.query.PostalCode
        "Notes": "Here are other details.",
        "DisplayName": req.query.CustomerName
    }, function (err, customer) {
        //if there is an error, render the error page with the error message, else render the createcustomer view
        if (err) {
            res.render('errorpage.ejs', { errorMessage: err.Fault.Error[0] })
        else {
            res.render('createCustomer.ejs', { displayName: customer.DisplayName, billingAddr: customer.BillAddr, id: customer.Id });


Creating a Sales Receipt

As when creating a customer, we begin by rendering a sales receipt form. To gather the data needed to render this form, we need to make calls to get a list of Customers and Items. We do this by calling the method getCustomersItems from miscFunctions.js. We then pass the data from the response to the view, ‘createSalesReceiptForm.ejs’, and render it.

//a route which renders the create a sales reciept form
app.get('/createSalesReceiptForm', function (req, res) {
    function renderPage() {
        res.render('createSalesReceiptForm.ejs', { locals: { customers: qbo.Customers, items: qbo.Items } });
    //Add a timeout of 2000 in order to allow the customers and items response to complete before rendering the page
    setTimeout(renderPage, 2000);

From the form, the end user can trigger the createSalesReceipt route. The createSalesReceipt form provides the following input fields: Description, Quantity (Qty), Item Name, Item Id, and Item Unit Price. We use the JavaScript split function to create an array from ‘itemSelect’. [0]is the item name, [1]is the item id, [2] is the item unit price. These are available in the req.query object. Once the response is returned, either an error page populated by the API error message is rendered.

//a route which calls CreateSalesReciept
app.get('/createSalesReceipt', function (req, res) {
    //Check to make sure the front end is sending an item selected, if it is null, render the error page
    if (!req.query.itemSelect) {
        res.render('errorPage.ejs', { locals: { errorMessage: { Message: 'No Item Selected', Detail: 'You Must Select an Item' } } })
    else {
        // [0]is the item name, [1]is the item id, [2] is the item unit price
        var ItemRef = req.query.itemSelect.split('; ');
        //building the createSalesReceipt post body
            "Line": [
                    "Id": "1",
                    "LineNum": 1,
                    "Description": req.query.Description,
                    "Amount": ItemRef[2] * req.query.Qty,
                    "DetailType": "SalesItemLineDetail",
                    "SalesItemLineDetail": {
                        "ItemRef": {
                            "value": ItemRef[1],
                            "name": ItemRef[0]
                        "UnitPrice": ItemRef[2],
                        "Qty": req.query.Qty,
                        "TaxCodeRef": {
                            "value": "NON"
            "CustomerRef": {
                "value": req.query.CustomerId
        }, function (err, SalesReceipt) {
            //render the error page if an error is returned, else, render the salesReciept view
            if (err) {
                res.render('errorPage.ejs', { locals: { errorMessage: err.Fault.Error[0] } })
            } else {
                res.render('salesReceipt.ejs', { SalesReceipt: SalesReceipt })

Creating a Payment

In this flow, we do not need to create a payment form because it is linked to an invoice. From the invoice summary page, the user can activate the flow for creating a payment by simply clicking a button. Once this happens, the ‘/createPayment’ route goes into action. The inputs are all taken from the Invoice response: CustomerRef, TotalAmt, LineAmt, and InvoiceID. These are available in the req.query object. Once the response is returned, either an error page populated by the API error message is rendered.

//a route which renders the payment form
app.get('/createPayment', function (req, res) {
    //using input from createPayment form, creating the createPayment POST body
            "value": req.query.CustomerRef
        "TotalAmt": req.query.TotalAmt,
        "Line": [
                "Amount": req.query.LineAmt,
                "LinkedTxn": [
                        "TxnId": req.query.InvoiceId,
                        "TxnType": "Invoice"
    }, function (err, payment) {
        if (err) {
            res.render('errorPage.ejs', { locals: { errorMessage: err.Fault.Error[0] } })
        else {
            res.render('paymentSuccess.ejs', { Payment: payment})







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