We have added new API features specific to Australian QuickBooks Online company in our latest API release. Here is a quick overview of what has been added newly with minor version 40.
- Support for Tax Payable Annual Report (TPAR) field in Preferences, Vendor and Vendor Transactions
- Support for Batch Payment fields in Vendor (Supplier)
Follow the steps below to add TPAR to Vendor and transactions created by your app:
Step 1: Read TPAR preference via API to determine if the QuickBooks Company has this feature enabled.
Sample request:
Sample Preference API response (truncated for brevity):

From the preference response above use the attribute – Preferences->VendorAndPurchasesPrefs->TPAREnabled to determine whether TPAR is enabled for a company.
Once TPAR is enabled, you will see the TPAR field in Vendor (Supplier) as well as Vendor transactions forms like Bill, Expense etc. in QuickBooks Online.

Step 2: Add TPAR field while creating Vendor (Suppliers) by setting the HasTPAR field to true.
Here’s a sample API request:

Step 3: Add TPAR field to transactions created for the Suppliers on TPAR. This can be done by setting IncludeInAnnualTPAR field to true in the request.
Here’s a sample API request for creating Bill:

Similarly, to send Vendor Batch Payment field use the request below:

Make sure to use minor version 40 for all the API request above. Except for Preferences, all the other operations are supported via CRUD operations in the API. While both the changes have been coupled using minor version 40, the features can be used independently, meaning you can choose to set just TPAR or just Batch Payment fields for the Vendor. Both features are not tightly coupled to each other.
For more information about individual entities or fields, refer to the API Reference.
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