Intuit Developer Blog
Expand your small business app's reach by publishing on the QuickBooks Online App Store
From time to time, we encounter an app developer who has integrated their small business-facing application with QuickBooks, but has not taken the next step forward of publishing it on the QuickBooks App Store. Often, this is because their QuickBooks integration was initially built more as a way to retain current customers rather than as a way to attract new customers. While we always encourage developers to listen to the voice of the customer so that you can retain these customers longer, we also want you to have the ability to tap into new markets.
Apps Tab in QuickBooks Online Accountant: How to test as an accountant
Hey Devs, We’ve received a lot of positive feedback about Apps Tab in QuickBooks Online Accountant! But one thing a lot of devs are clamoring for is a way to test their apps as an accountant! So we have created the following easy to follow steps for doing just this!
Intuit Developer News Roundup – November 2017
Catch up on all things Intuit Developer in one quick post…
#SmallBizHack & QuickBooks Connect Toronto
Intuit Developer and Intuit QuickBooks are heading North, to the land of maple syrup, Niagara Falls, and an actual interest in ice hockey. We’re going to Canada, eh? We want to see you at the #SmallBizHack December 2-3 at Devhub Toronto, and then at QuickBooks Connect Toronto on December 5th.!
#SmallBizHack & QuickBooks Connect Toronto
Intuit Developer and Intuit QuickBooks are heading North, to the land of maple syrup, Niagara Falls, and an actual interest in ice hockey. We’re going to Canada, eh? We want to see you at the #SmallBizHack December 2-3 at Devhub Toronto, and then at QuickBooks Connect Toronto on December 5th.!
I’m not an accountant, but I play one on TV
Not sure where your app stands? Did you know that you can sign up for a free copy of QuickBooks Online Accountant and find out for yourself?
Disruptive Business Models
At the Intuit Developer group, our lifeblood is developers creating awesome solutions for QuickBooks customers. When we spend time with our small business (SMB) customers, we see that one of their biggest barriers to app adoption is the resistance to signing up for yet another monthly bill.
New Apps Program Launched for QuickBooks Online Accountant
Connecting customers and accountants to third-party apps that integrate with QuickBooks Online is a key priority for our platform – and we’re very excited to share news about how we are enabling more of those connections. Today, we are excited to go to the next logical step, by announcing the new QuickBooks Accountant Apps Program.
Announcing the $15-million-dollar Lighter Capital Intuit Developer Fund
Intuit Developer is excited to announce the creation of the Lighter Capital Intuit Developer Fund, a $15-million-dollar fund for companies that innovate for small businesses by building apps on the QuickBooks platform. Intuit Developer supports developers at every stage, from concept to company — and funding is one of the milestones in that important journey. We are excited to […]
Come Join Us for a Discussion Panel at QuickBooks 2017: Get Your App Out There!
If you’ve been keeping up with my articles, you’ll know that I’ve been focused mostly on helping your integration by providing samples and tips. But what happens after you’ve completed your integration? What do you do then? How do you make your app successful? This and more will be covered at a panel I’ll be hosting with my colleague Matt Kanas at this year’s QuickBooks Connect in San Jose (November 15-17).