
Intuit Developer Blog

  • Advanced SQL Queries

    We have been getting a lot of questions lately about constructing queries for QBO V3 Services. This article showcases some of the more popular inquiries of late. For full documentation about constructing queries and submitting them to data services, consult Query Operations in the QuickBooks Online documentation.

  • IPP Blogs and Platform Status Feeds

    The developer site looks different, what changed?? Is QBO service down? My customers are noticing intermittent failures. The answers to these questions can be found in our blogs and status dashboards. An easy way to get access to these updates is by subscribing to our blogs and dashboards using RSS feeds. RSS feeders/aggregators help to […]

  • Update on Migration to QuickBooks Online REST API v3

    Happy Pi Day! We hope you are all enjoying this excuse to savor your favorite kind of pie as well as annoy all your non-geek friends with jokes. I’m Lori Fraleigh, the new Director of Developer Relations for IPP. I joined Intuit two months ago and have been getting familiar with our developers and their […]

  • Customer Account Data – PHP Example

    Last week I posted: QuickBooks OAuth – PHP Example which featured code and a pre-constructed environment for you to quickly run the example. Today, I am posting a similar example for the Customer Account Data (CAD) API. This example is even better than the last one, as you can simply click run.  It uses my set of […]

  • Guest Post: Dynamically Provisioning Subdomains for SaaS Products

    In the spirit of “all of us are in this together”, I have asked fellow Apps.com developer, Brandon Zehm, to write a guest post about handling subdomains in your SaaS app. I hope you find it useful. -david The Problem Let’s say you’re building a web service and have decided that each customer should access the […]

  • IPP Site Changes This Week 3-7-14

    We continue to work hard to improve the developer experience for you. On Friday, March 7 2014, we are releasing an update to the developer website which includes changes to the backend website that you will not notice. The backend changes do not affect the APIs.  The change that you will notice is the updated […]

  • Monthly IPP Developer Call – March 2014

    IPP Developer Lon Orenstein, from Dashboards+Sync for QuickBooks and Microsoft CRM and Map Business Online hosts a monthly developer call for IPP developers. Per Lon: “The purpose is for developers to get together and talk about things specific to our issues (especially technical ones), how we run our business, how we deal with Intuit, and […]

  • Integrating Harvest with QuickBooks Online with NO code using Zapier.

    Are you an an accountant, pro adviser or a small business owner? Have you ever tried to integrate one or more of the Saas applications you use to run your business with QuickBooks Online? Unless you can code and use REST APIs, the answer is probably no. Introducing Zapier, making it possible to integrate with […]

  • QuickBooks OAuth – PHP Example

    I put together a new code example that you can run in less than 5 min. You don’t need to worry about dependencies, libraries or SDKs. I have that all taken care of. Go run the QuickBooks OAuth example here Your feedback is very important with this new type of sample code. Do you like […]

  • The Small Business Web Summit 2014 – See you there!

    Next week, February 20-21, some members of the IPP team will be attending The Small Business Web Summit 2014 in San Jose, CA. Please come meet fellow Developer Evangelist Pearce, the new Director of IPP Developer Relations Lori Fraleigh, and the VP/GM of IPP Avi Golan. Still need more reasons to attend The Small Business Web Summit 2014? Here […]