
Intuit Developer Blog

  • Financial Data APIs: duplicate transaction fix

    We are testing a new fix to solve for duplicate transactions in our Financial Data APIs. A small number of banks are having duplicate transaction issues caused by changes the bank makes to the transaction after it’s initially posted. As we looked across the Intuit ecosystem on how to handle this thorny issue, we found our colleagues working on bank data down under (Australia) had pioneered a fix that we’re eager to try out with our developers.

  • REST essentials for the QuickBooks API

    Hot off the press is a quick reference guide of REST API essentials that will help you get going with the QuickBooks API. All the details are in one place for both of the QuickBooks API domains: Accounting API and Payments API.

  • Tech tips: Top 3 scenarios when you should issue an updateInstitutionLogin call

    If you’re using our Financial Data APIs (formerly CAD), there are times you need to use updateInstitutionLogin. There are three particular scenarios highlighted for making this call.

  • QuickBooks Connect 2016 coming back to San Jose in October!

    Did you notice? Earlier the week, Intuit announced the dates for QuickBooks Connect 2016! We’re in full swing planning for our return to the San Jose Convention Center on Oct. 23-26, 2016.

  • Hello {Intuit Developer} World

    Late last week, I officially started my new role as the leader of the Intuit Developer team. I’m excited to work with all of you in our community, and I’d like to share a little bit about me. I’ve held a variety of roles as a developer, manager, and engineering exec in startups and multi-national companies. Early in my career, I also founded a three-person startup on the Apple platform. I have walked in your shoes, and felt the pain and thrill of building a business on a platform.

  • Designing for Downtime: Understanding the Cranky Path

    As a self-taught, long-time application developer, I’ve learned many hard lessons. Most are common to us all: backup the database before dropping tables, ground yourself before messing with your server’s motherboard, review infinite loops that might spam the CEO, etc. Recently, I was reminded of one of the toughest lessons to learn: network calls will inevitably fail.

  • New Year, New Hackathons: Get your code on with us!

    Last year, we got our code on at several hackathons including Hack the North, the 2015 DeveloperWeek Hackathon, as well as a few Startup Weekends. We finished the year with a bang with our own $100k hackathon (check out the highlight reel and finalist pitches) at QuickBooks Connect.

  • Google Analytics for App Listing Tracking

    We’ve recently revised the “Google Analytics and QuickBooks Apps Store tracking” developer guide with all the latest details. It is intended for application developers who are familiar with Google Analytics and want to use it to track user activities related to their QuickBooks App Store app listing.

  • What's New for Developers in QuickBooks Online?

    Here’s a quick summary of new and changed features in the last few releases of QuickBooks Online for app developers. See the full Release Notes for all the details.

  • Videos Available: Relive the #QBConnect Dev Sessions and #QBHack Finalist Pitches

    Whether you attended QuickBooks Connect 2015 last November and want to review some of the talks, or you didn’t get there and weren’t able to attend and wonder what you missed, you’re in luck! We’ve posted videos of the Developer Track talks on the Intuit Developer YouTube channel.