
Category: QuickBooks Online

  • Re-introducing the Apps Tab in QuickBooks Online Accountant

    Re-introducing the Apps Tab in QuickBooks Online Accountant

    We’re excited to announce that we have re-introduced the apps tab into QuickBooks Online Accountant (QBOA). If your app is already available on the QuickBooks App Store, it will now be available in this channel too!

  • We've hit 500 in the QuickBooks App Store!

    We’re really excited to announce that the QuickBooks App Store is now 500 <strong>! (And growing!) From expense tracking to invoicing – and everything in between – we now have 500 apps to extend the power of QuickBooks Online! Have you integrated with QuickBooks and haven’t yet published to the App Store? Join the fastest […]

  • Upgrading your apps to support TLS 1.2

    Upgrading your apps to support TLS 1.2

    We recently announced that QuickBooks Online apps will be required to upgrade to TLS 1.1 or above by July 31, 2017 to align with industry best practices for security and data integrity. Intuit will also require an upgrade to TLS 1.2 by December 31, 2017. Steps for upgrading to TLS 1.2 vary for different coding languages.

  • Updates to the Payments APIs for QuickBooks Online

    Updates to the Payments APIs for QuickBooks Online

    Beginning February 1, 2018, Intuit is making a change to the QuickBooks Online Payments API and QuickBooks Merchant Services Payments API that will require that the ecommerce and mobile indicators for all purchases made from a handheld device (smart phone or tablet) is set within the application. This will affect any purchase regardless if the card number is keyed in, swiped, or fetched from a pass through digital wallet like Apple Pay or a staged digital wallet like PayPal/Google Wallet.

  • OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect now available for New Developers

    OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect now available for New Developers

    Today we are happy to announce the general availability of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect for new developers on the QuickBooks Online platform. As a new developer on the platform you will be able to implement OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect for authorization and authentication.

  • TLS 1.0 and 1.1 Disablement for the Intuit Developer Group

    TLS 1.0 and 1.1 Disablement for the Intuit Developer Group

    Intuit is requiring an upgrade to TLS 1.2 by July 30, 2017 in order to align with industry best practices for security and data integrity. On July 30, 2017, we will disable the TLS 1.0 & 1.1 encryption protocols, which will prevent apps still using them from accessing Intuit and QuickBooks APIs and Services.

  • Intuit is updating its OpenID IP addresses

    Intuit is updating its OpenID IP addresses

    Apps use IP whitelisting to ensure that they are communicating with Intuit securely. If your app uses IP whitelisting please note that the Intuit OpenID IP addresses are changing soon and you would need to update your systems to add the new IP addresses.

  • Reimburse charge support with QuickBooks Online API

    Reimburse charge support with QuickBooks Online API

    We have had requests from multiple developers to expose details of ReimburseCharge (also known as Expense Charge or Billable Expense) linked transactions for Invoice objects. Our teams worked diligently on understanding the underlying data requirements and have provided read support for all details related to ReimburseCharge for Invoice objects starting with minorversion=9 or greater.

  • Upcoming Changes to Tax Codes in Australia

    The Australian Tax Office (ATO) is moving all businesses with less than $10M in GST turnover to the Simpler BAS reporting starting 01 Jul 2017. Simpler BAS enables businesses to be compliant with their GST reporting by using reduced number of GST codes–GST, GST Free, and Out of Scope–for all sales and purchase transactions. You may be affected by this change.

  • Major QuickBooks Online Milestone Means Big Business for Developers

    Major QuickBooks Online Milestone Means Big Business for Developers

    Today we announced a major milestone for QuickBooks Online: we have over two million paid subscribers worldwide. For our developer community, this continues to provide an exciting potential business opportunity for solving the everyday challenges small businesses face and for simplifying complex, time-consuming tasks with seamless QuickBooks Online data integrations.