
Intuit Developer Blog

  • What's new in QuickBooks Online: September 2019

    In order for our developers to be more aware of functionality in QuickBooks® Online, this is the first in a series of blogs that focuses on new features and improvements.. Check back monthly for more updates. The following is the article that ran on the QuickBooks blog. Even though the air is a bit crisper […]

  • Introducing the TSheets C# .NET Standard SDK

    The TSheets team at Intuit has been hard at work building new tools for rapid onboarding to our open REST API. This week, we’re excited to announce our first ever software development kit (SDK) for .NET Standard. This new library will enable C# developers on all platforms to more quickly build time tracking integrations that […]

  • Intuit Developer thought leaders attend the Future Developer Summit 2019

    The quickly approaching Future Development Summit 2019 (coming Sept. 24-25, 2019 in Menlo Park, CA) is an exclusive event for developer marketing and relations director/VP/GM-level attendees. We are honored that Intuit’s Cassie Divine, senior vice president, QuickBooks Ecosystem, and Jarred Keneally, director of Developer Relations, have been selected as presenters at the Summit. The Future […]

  • Measuring the success of your app integration

    This article is part of a series on how to scale and optimize you app integration on the QuickBooks platform. See Part 1, “Your app integration is a living product – measure it.” In this article, we go through useful metrics to measure the health of a platform integration. Your preferred metrics may vary depending […]

  • New API features for AU region with minor version 40

    We have added new API features specific to Australian QuickBooks Online company in our latest API release. Here is a quick overview of what has been added newly with minor version 40. Support for Tax Payable Annual Report (TPAR) field in Preferences, Vendor and Vendor Transactions Support for Batch Payment fields in Vendor (Supplier) Follow […]

  • New entities supported in Linked Transactions

    With minor version 38, we have made significant improvements to Linked Transactions especially with respect to creating and discovering relationships between Vendor transactions such as Purchase Order, Bill, Bill Payment etc. Using the API, your app can now send and retrieve information about vendor specific linked transactions in QuickBooks. Here is a quick overview of […]

  • How to make your app card work harder for you

    Your app card is the shop window for your app, so it needs to quickly communicate why a prospective customer should download it. At a glance, they should be able to understand not just what it does – but how it will improve their working life. Here’s a good example Make your description highly customer-focussed […]

  • How to create an email to drive app downloads

    Whether you’ve just placed your app on QuickBooks Apps.com or it’s been there for a while and you need to start publicizing it, a launch email to prospective customers can increase views of your app card and drive downloads. To help you create an email that follows proven marketing techniques and best practice, we’ve created […]

  • Make your app more successful through customer reviews

    Customer reviews play a vital role in the marketing of your app. If you ask for reviews and manage them in the right way, your star rating will rise and more new customers will choose to connect. Along the way, you’ll also benefit from useful insight into how your customers use your app and what […]

  • Your app integration is a living product: Measure it!

    This article is part of a series on how to scale and optimize your app integration on the QuickBooks platform. Be sure to read Part 2: “Measuring the success of your app integration.” It all started with repeat messages from your head of sales: “Hey, we lost a sale because our software does not integrate […]