
Intuit Developer Blog

  • 2014 Roadmap and Migration Dates for Existing Developers

    Between the “harmony” changes in QuickBooks Online, and the recent changes to the Intuit Partner Platform, all of us have been busy, and will continue to be busy in 2014. Many of these changes are going to affect you, as an existing developer, and our customers. I wanted spend some time to communicate what the […]

  • Question: What information about an attribute is most important?

    Hey, IPP developers – we have a question for you. Our team in IPP is doing some design work to make the entity reference pages (like this one for BillPayment) easier to learn and use. Designing an entity page is all about organizing the attribute information so it’s easy to skim through and find what’s […]

  • Policy enforcement to prevent data incompatibilities when using QuickBooks Online REST API v2 against unsupported global companies

    I wanted to communicate this policy enforcement, that went into effect yesterday, to the broader audience. I have reached out, via email, to any developers that are directly affected by this change. Policy Enforcement: Restrict the QuickBooks Online REST API v2 from accessing QuickBooks Online Global Companies Why: QuickBooks Online REST API v2 is neither […]

  • Monthly IPP Developer Call – December 2013

    IPP Developer Lon Orenstein, from Dashboards+Sync for QuickBooks and Microsoft CRM and Map Business Online hosts a monthly developer call for IPP developers. Per Lon: “The purpose is for developers to get together and talk about things specific to our issues (especially technical ones), how we run our business, how we deal with Intuit, and […]

  • By Popular Demand – Webinar Slides

    As an avid and passionate presenter I know I did something wrong when people ask me for PowerPoint slides. However, in this case we really wanted to focus on how the rubber hits the road for our developers.  The slides we created contain a lot of valuable data points that you can use to help […]

  • Here Comes V3

    If you are an Intuit Small Business application developer and wondering what QuickBooks Online V3 API could do for you, read on! QuickBooks V2 API has been around for the last 3+ years and hundreds of applications already implement it to get the data in and out of QuickBooks. If you are a V2 developer and […]

  • The Next Phase of the IPP Journey

    I’m super excited to share with you recent announcements we’ve made to make the Intuit Partner Platform and QuickBooks a truly open platform. It’s been a long journey, not without a few bumps along the way, but we are now in a position to deliver on the open platform that our small business customers want […]

  • QuickBooks API now Easier, Open, Global, and FREE!

    Last Monday (11/4/2013) evening, our CEO Brad Smith made some great developer focused announcements during his keynote at The Sleeter Group Accounting Solutions Conference. I am pretty sure there is not a recording of the keynote available, so I’ll include some “live” tweets, that way it’ll feel like you were there in person. (I have […]

  • IPP Webinar – Tuesday 11/12/13

    The date for the webinar is awesome, which means we need to upstage the date with even more awesome content! We have exciting news and updates to provide you with the information you need to decide the next steps of your integration story with IPP. Space is limited.Reserve your Webinar seat now at:https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/483058592 Topics include: Interesting […]

  • Script to generate SSL Certificate for Customer Account Data and Quickbooks API

    If you are developer like me and have openssl and java on your machine then here is a simple bash script for you to generate the certificate.  If you are on windows and don’t have bash then you could try this in cygwin. What does the script do ? Generate a java keystore with the […]