
Intuit Developer Blog

  • Planned Downtime: 8/19 to 8/23

    The App Reg, NFR, and IDN services are being migrated into the Intuit Platform Platform (IPP) to provide a more integrated and modern experience. Due to the complexity involved in this process, these services will be unavailable between Aug 19 – Aug 23.  We regret any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions or require […]

  • Connecting with the Intuit Partner Platform Team

    Over the last 2 weeks or so, developers have: called my cell phone, invited me to a meeting via my personal email address, sent me messages via LinkedIn, and even sent a message via my about.me page. I didn’t even know the last one was even possible. Even though, I think it is great that […]

  • Do you Target Small Business?

    If you target small businesses, which most of you do, then you must watch this video. The information is useful and demonstrates how to work with the small business world. http://player.vimeo.com/video/54076835 There is about 30 min of presentation and 20 min of questions.

  • Video overview of the new developer.intuit.com

    We put this fun video together to show you the cool new interface to developer.intuit.com and how it is designed to be a nice clean interface to help you build greate integrations. Enjoy!

  • QuickBooks API V3 – New Entities Released

    Today marks an exciting point in the development of the QuickBooks V3 API. The Intuit Partner Platform launched a new set of entities.  The use of the API is still restricted to Early Adopters and is on track for a public release later this year.   V3 Docs Months ago Intuit Partner Platform outlined a […]

  • Application is Live – V3 Early Adopter Program

    I am excited to announce that the Application is now live for the V3 Early Adopter Program Before you start the application make sure you know which entities and other methods you need for your integration. Start V3 Early Adopter Application If you applied for the Early Adopter Program previously we need you to apply […]

  • Decommissioning Federated Apps – Focusing on the Future with QuickBooks API

    Almost exactly a year ago, we let you know about our investment in Intuit Anywhere and that we would decommission the Federated Platform. Since then, we’ve made great strides for the IPP developer experience. It’s now easier for you to decommission your Federated app and move to QuickBooks API. Updates include: A vastly improved developer […]

  • Small business innovation is everywhere, but sometimes you have to stop to notice and celebrate it.

    As you know, we on the IPP Team have been busy with the launch of the new developer experience last week. Between fixing bugs, and preparing for our next release, we took some time to attend Finovate Spring 2013 and had an event of our own called “AppRising”. Let me recap both events. Finovate Finovate […]

  • Enjoy The Refreshments

    Hey there. We wanted to update you about the new site you’re looking at today –and wanted to share what’s been going on here so bear with us as we take you on the journey we’ve been on… Picture this: one day you get an invitation to go to a friend’s house for a dinner […]

  • Scaling New Heights Tech Track

    Sign up and join us for our inaugural tech track at Scaling New Heights in June: https://developer.intuit.com/page/SNHTechTrack We look forward to seeing you there!   Best, Intuit Partner Platform team