Intuit Developer Blog
10 Great Things I Heard at the Startups and the Cloud event
Last Thursday Intuit hosted an event titled Startups and the Cloud focused on the changing nature of starting and succeeding at building a technology business given all of the new tools and platforms that are available. I was honored to host such an awesome event with 200+ people packed into Bentley’s Adamian Hall. It was […]
Federated Applications on Intuit Partner Platform
Today, we are pleased to announce the release of “Federated Applications” on the Intuit Partner Platform. It’s been a blast to work with our Rock-Star team to deliver this and I want to personally welcome our five new developers, VerticalResponse, DimDim, Rypple, Setster, and ExpenseWare, that have gone through federation already. It’s always scary going first, […]
Startups and the Cloud: free event in Waltham, MA, sponsored by Intuit – Register now!
From the App Gap blog: "On June 11th we’re organizing a gathering in Waltham, MA called Startups and the Cloud to talk about how starting a successful software business has changed now that cloud computing/ platforms have become highly viable, and in some cases, essential components of a startup’s strategy. We’re keeping it compact at […]
Meet IPP at Boston Flex User Group, 5/12, 7pm at Adobe, Newton, MA
I'll be presenting at the Boston Flex User Group's next event, to be held on the evening of Tues, May 12th at Adobe Systems' Newton office (275 Grove St, Newton, MA) at 7 pm. Please feel free to come at 6:30pm or so and hang out before the talk. Pizza and drinks will be provided […]
Chance to Win $12,500! Contest for Location-Aware Apps
The Intuit Partner Platform has recently partnered with Xtify Inc. to incorporate mobile phone location technologies into Intuit Partner Platform applications. By building and publishing a location-aware business application using the Intuit Partner Platform Flex SDK, plus the Xtify Flex API, you’ll be eligible to win up to $12,500 in cash prizes. Three Prizes Grand […]
Intuit Partner Platform v1.4 updates
IPP version 1.4 contains several significant enhancements to the application toolbars that appear at the top and bottom of every Workplace application. Additional changes have been made to address known issues. Toolbar Enhancements A significant number of enhancements have been made to the application toolbars that appear at the top and bottom of every Workplace […]
Communications from the Developer Relations Team
Please make sure you add to your safe-senders list in your email client. This is the address we use to send out our developer communications including Newsletters and Member Alerts. Remember, Member Alerts are for breaking changes or updates to the Intuit Partner Platform that require you to update your application. Newsletters include information on […]
Inside SaaS: Deep Dive – Intuit QuickBase Architecture – Presentation, IASANE, April 23rd
Jim Salem, Platform-as-a-Service Group Architect, will be presenting the QuickBase architecture to the IASA New England chapter on April 23d. If you are in the area, and are interested in the nuts and bolts of how QuickBase is built, come on by! You can register at: Details are below: ————– Inside SaaS: Deep Dive […]
@ippdev Now On Twitter
If you are a Twitter freak, then you might be interested in the Intuit Partner Platform developer community Twitter feed…it's up and running: @ippdev…add as your friend to get updates on IPP stuff and chat!
Prototyping and Wireframing – Getting Everyone on the Same Page
Communicating ideas visually and getting everyone on the same page (literally) when you are designing or modifying user interfaces is a critical step in the overall development process and ending up with a great user experience. And doing so earlier and often, the better…without this you'll end up here 🙂 There are many ways to […]