
Intuit Developer Blog

  • IPP – Alterity's Story: From the Desktop to SaaS

    It’s always exciting when a new app goes live on the Intuit Workplace App Center, and especially so when it is has been developed by a long-standing member of the Intuit Developer Network. Brian Sweat of Alterity had good conversation (full recording as an mp3 here) with Redmonk’s Michael Coté to talk about the new […]

  • Intuit Partner Platform + Windows Azure = Win for Small Businesses

    When we started the Intuit Partner Platform (IPP) last year, we envisioned a destination where Small Businesses could pick from a variety of quality applications to solve their critical business pain points – and we wanted those apps to work together!  A big ecosystem of Apps – from a variety of developers and pre-integrated – […]

  • IPP Podcast Now Available by Michael Cote (RedMonk) and Jeff Collins

    This new RIA Weekly podcast talks about what IPP is, and the opportunity it represents for developers. Enjoy!

  • 3 New Live IPP Technical Webinars for January – Register Now!

    We’ve got 3 great live webinars in January discussing technical aspects of IPP: “What’s New in 2.4 of IPP”, “IPP Intuit Data Services (IDS) Deep Dive" and “Enhancing your Federated Application”. We’ve also got live IPP Developer Support sessions every two weeks, the next one on Jan 12. Registration details are below…see you there! Intuit […]

  • New Intuit Partner Platform Developer Site: In Beta Now!

    Over the past few months, we’ve been working on a redesign of the IPP and IDN developer sites. Today, we’re launching these new sites in beta!The goals of the redesign were to create a better user experience, including: Better navigation, Better access to tools and resources, and Better learning experience. During this beta period, you’ll […]

  • Announcing IPP V2.4 – More Than More Data!

    The IPP team is excited to announce that IPP v2.4 is now live and available for IPP partners. Take advantage of the new and enhanced capabilities: access to more data, new configuration options for application Sign Up and Sign In (including more control over application invitation messaging), and additional click-stream analytics. Read all about it […]

  • Sleeter Group: IPP – What It Means for Intuit Consulting Communities

    The Sleeter Group has published the second article of a two part series focusing on the Intuit Partner Platform (IPP). The first article compared the IPP and the "traditional" QuickBooks SDK. This second article explains the IPP offering, how developers can take advantage of it, and what it means to the Sleeter Group and Intuit consulting communities. The Sleeter Group […]

  • Announcing IPP Dev Voice – Enhancement Voting and Tracking System

    I’ve been fortunate to speak with many of you over the last several months as the Intuit Partner Platform gains momentum. The progress we’ve made together in the last 90 days alone is ASTOUNDING! We released a new App Center with QuickBooks 2010 to let small business customers easily discover your great solutions; we’ve seen […]

  • Redefining Software Platforms – How PaaS changes the game for ISVs

    The following is the introduction to a new 16-page report created by Phil Wainewright, “Redefining Software Platforms – How PaaS changes the game for ISVs”. The Table of Contents, information about the report and the author and a link to the report as .PDF can be found at the bottom of this blog post. Preparation […]

  • Sleeter Group: What is the IPP and how does it compare to the QuickBook SDK?

    The Sleeter Group has published an interesting blog post (by Chuck Vigeant) comparing the Intuit Partner Platform (IPP) and the "traditional" QuickBooks SDK. We liked what Chuck had to say…here's a snippet:  "[IPP] contains tools for database creation, programming, billing, usage metering, licensing procurement, security mechanisms, and even creates a listing for the product that […]